Analysis + dialogue = results

Even if you work professionally with analysis and communication every day, there are clear benefits from engaging an external specialist. An extra brain. Fresh eyes. Energy and new ideas.
I can vouch for that, having delivered insight and energy to hundreds of communication and development projects. From half-day conferences to complex analytical assignments across the world. For governments and companies as well as for large global organisations. In a broad field from food waste to human rights protection. From policy to partnerships. Always with analysis and dialogue as the method applied to produce results.
I work as gladly in English as I work in Danish, German and French. And should you need more than just me, I am pleased to suggest a team with skills complementary to my own.
Send an email or give me a call and let me know how I may help you

Danish Business Number: 32 77 06 81
Office: 25D, Bredgade, DK-1260 Copenhagen K
Established in 2007 by Communications and Development specialist Verner Kristiansen:
UNICEF (1991-1995)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark (1995-2004)
Confederation of Danish Industries (2004-2005)
Monday Morning, Think Tank of News (2005-2007)

Do you have an idea your organization or company would like to assess, document or make the topic of a conference or event?
Send me an email or call +45 27412645 and we can discuss opportunities.